Whoa! 6 weeks ago I took a step back from Office-Monkeying around on a computer all day, and took a canvassing job getting people signed up for renewable electricity. Hence, I disappeared from the blog-o-sphere for a while. "What have I been up to?" You might ask.
Well here are 15 things that I have done over the past 6 weeks.
1. Learned how to ride a real-live Portland road bike, hipster style. Learning new things is great and it challenges you to grow. It should also probably not be done while intoxicated and wearing high heels. Although it seems like that's the most common way...
2. Took up a whole afternoon having a complete meltdown/existential crisis/emotional outpouring over the hopelessness of the human condition and the pointless struggles of the masses after talking to people in Gresham about renewable energy. And then I drank 60 ounces of beer and learned how to ride a road bike. I think there's a lesson in there somewhere. I think it's that beer is great.
3. Worked in sales, and thought a lot about Billy Loman.
4. Had a wonderful Food Revolution Picnic celebrating the bounty of real food that the Northwest has to offer. Feasted with 18 beautiful human beings.
5. Got paid to act. (Whhuuuhhhhh???)
6. Hung out with two sixteen-year-old girls and realized the extent of my un-cool-ness.
7. Took two mini-solo-roadtrips.
8. Got paid to act AGAIN. (For serious?)
9. Went on Portland's World Naked Bike Ride, WHICH WAS 0% AWKWARD, I promise. I swear I don't care how old you are, no matter what your body looks like, it is the most awesome and liberating experience ever, and it has nothing to do with anything sexual. Quit being so perv-y and weird about it, America. Feel that wind beneath your...wings.
10. Got a surprise hang-out with one of my best friends who surprise-visited Portland from Texas.
11. Put together an improv show to entertain a-dozen-and-a-half activists/hippies/mothers/anarchists/badasses at the Occupy Portland Food and Garden Team fundraiser. Made topical jokes about corn and unicorns. Watched Liz and Eleanor compete in X-TREME composting.
12. Applied for 10 zillion part-time jobs.
13. Lost a dear friend and mentor to Lou Gherig's disease. We will sing him to Heaven this weekend. Love you, Doyle.
14. Rejoined the proud ranks of Portland Fitbody Boot Camp. Did some pushups. Ate some chicken salad. Felt good about it.
15. Got paid to act, again. (This is not real life. Or is it...)